Morgan Stanley电话面经
为积极应备Morgan Stanley的电话面试,收集资料。[lol]
MS: Do you know C++?
Me: Yup.
MS: Tell me what is memory leakage.
Me: Blarblar…
MS: Right. Then what operation would cause that leakage in C++?
Me: Blarblar…
MS: Right. You know JAVA?
Me: Just some introductory courses.
MS: OK, tell me about memory leakage in JAVA.
Me: Blarblar…
MS: Right. Do you know the name of that recycling mechanism?
Me: …(忘了)
MS: Let's get back to C++. Do you know what virtual function is?
Me: Blarblar…
MS: Good, then what is polymorphism?
Me: (从大一学过C++之后就没怎么写过程序,我怎么讲得清楚多态。。。)支支吾吾讲了
MS: Alright. Let's move to data structure. Did you have that course?
Me: Yup.
MS: What data structures did you learn?
Me: Queues, stacks, …
MS: What's the difference between queues and stacks?
Me: FIFO and LIFO, blarblar…
MS: Right, any more data structures?
Me: Tree…(我想了想没说Graph,如果问起graph来不是要被问死的啊)
MS: What trees?
Me: Binary tree, Octree, blarblar…
MS: When do you use binary tree?
Me: (卡了一下,我n年没碰这个了同学!)In haffman coding, blarblar… (幸好在
MS: Good, that's right. Then do you know hash table?
Me: (我傻掉,这个东西老师当时只是讲了用途,没有讲实现呀。。。)It's something
used in searching within a large data structure…I do not quite sure about t
he implementation…blarblar…
MS: OK. Now I give you an example: I want to implement a dictionary. Which dat
a structures would you use?
(此处省略细节无数,就是用hash table之类的,把我问伤掉了)
MS: Did you have any algorithm courses?
Me: No. (我们专业没这门课。。。)
MS: (Surprised) Well, do you know any sortting algorithms?
Me: (你还一定要我讲算法啊)Well, my instructor of C++ once mentioned Bubble a
lgorithm (其他算法不敢多讲,怕要我描述,这个东西用英文讲太难了)
MS: Please describe it. (还好没多讲。。。)
Me: Blarblar…
MS: That's right. What's the time complexity of bubble?
Me: (忘了是O(n)还是O(n2)了。。。只能很诚实地说我忘了,还是不要跟投行吹牛的好)
MS: That's alright. Then when will you use Bubble?
Me: Only when the element count is not too large coz I seem to remember that t
he time complexity is not small. (说着这句话我自己都汗一滴)
MS: Right, the time complexity is O(n2). Then let's move to database.
Me: OK (累死了)
MS: Our technical question ends here. And there will be some general questions
for you.
Me: Fine.
MS: Do you know what do we IT dept do in Morgan Stanley? Why you applied to th
e job?
Me: Blarblar… (说句实话我还真不晓得投行的IT是干嘛的,后来听说是纯R&D,再汗一
个。后面就狂拍MS的mp,说他是industry leader with world's top talents云云。。。
MS: Do you have any relevant working experience?
Me: Blarblar…
后面就是Thanks for your time and effort, we will inform you soon if there is a
ny news之类的话了。挂机,半小时(我的手机费。。。)
我觉得Morgan Stanley的IT要求还是很高的,我自己掂量一下估计是定然被bs的。我觉得
问题是蛮细致的。最后我觉得要进这样的公司要靠rp的,所以不要多想,just enjoy it.